Saturday, November 17, 2012

Humorous Pillowcase Set for Newlyweds

Are you the type of person who prefers to give silly, whimsical and hysterical gifts rather than something more serious? Are you always pulling tricks on people and doing the unexpected? If so, no occasion to you is sacred! Not even a wedding. If you have a friend or relative who is getting married youre probably already considering what sort of crazy, wacky gift you can give to the new couple. Dont shop catalogs and novelty stores to find that special gift; make it yourself! Theres a fun and easy project you can do which will certainly surprise the recipients. Make a set of gift pillowcases (with or without accompanying sheets) and theyll laugh hysterically when they see them. Or, should I say "when they read them". Its a blast to make a pillowcase set that features a joke you pull on the wedded couple. The pillowcases look ordinary until they open them and thats when they get the cute surprise! Use any set of ordinary pillowcases to pull your wedding gift gag. Use paint markers to write the surprise captions on the two pillowcases. Or, use fabric paint that dispenses from a tube or squeeze bottle. On one pillowcase, write "Ive got a headache". On the other pillowcase, write "Ive got an aspirin". The couple will get a huge surprise when they open the ordinary pillowcases to find the unusual sayings.

No matter if youre using fabric paint or a paint marker its best to line the inside of the pillowcase with plastic to make sure the marker or paint doesnt bleed through to the other side. Allow the writings to dry completely before removing the plastic.

Paint markers are used just like regular markers but they contain real paint so they are permanent. They create writings on the pillowcases which look identical to a magic marker. With fabric paints that dispense from a tube you can create letters which, after theyre dry, you can feel them. The paint isnt scratchy, but if you want to ensure a smooth saying on the pillowcase, dispense the paint onto a paper plate and brush it on. The pillowcases can be embellished by using stencils along with the markers or paints. Youll find many bridal-theme or other designs when you visit a large craft supply store. After the paints or markers are completely dry, fold the pillowcases how they originally were, and put them back in the original package, or place them in a new gift box. The unsuspecting couple will get a good laugh from you, the funny person in their lives!

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