Monday, November 19, 2012

Perfect Snack Cups for Any Party

If youre a party-sort of person you have many celebrations coming each year. There will definitely be a birthday party or two, a party for one or more of the holidays, and maybe even a wedding and/or an anniversary. That means you have to come up with unique and interesting themes, foods, decorations, and more, for each and every celebration. You might have started off big, with huge parties, costing hundreds and hundreds of dollars, but maybe youve settled down a little bit now. Maybe youre looking for things that are fabulous, but cheap; appropriate, and suitable for anyone. Good luck with that! But seriously, you can create the perfect snacks, for any occasion, and with any theme, when you use cupcake liners. They already come in a huge assortment of colors, with various themes and prints, so that there are cupcake liners to fit any and every theme. Use the liners in an unusual manner and youll create the perfect snack cups for any party.

Just a cupcake liner isnt all that impressive, no matter what it contains. And, if the cupcake liner has no support, the guest will have to worry about spilling the snack. But when you drop a cupcake liner into a clear, disposable cup, you create the perfect snack cup, and you can give it any theme you want.

Your local grocery store might have quite a few designs of cupcake liners but, when you shop online, you have an even larger selection. You can find cupcake liners with metallic looks, like silver or gold, or choose liners with themes, like babies, birthdays, or holidays. Places that sell cupcake liners often sell short, clear, disposable glasses as well. Youll need one cup and one liner for each snack cup. The cup should be about the same height as the cupcake liner. The clear cup allows you to see the cute designs on the cupcake liners and it strengthens the cup so it can be easily carried around. Such a cup can hold pretzels, mints, candies, doughnut holes, brownie bites, popcorn, chips, or other snacks. The cupcake liner inside allows you to easily create a treat cup for any special occasion. There are other embellishments you can put inside or outside on the cup, along with the cupcake liner accent. Tape a ribbon around the inside bottom, or wrap it around the outside top. You can even glue a piece of scrapbook paper over the top of each cup, to make a lid for transporting it. That way, it makes a fabulous party favor, rather than a treat cup at the party.

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