Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Setting Up a Photo Booth for a Party

Its going to be a lot of fun watching your guests take silly pictures at a photo booth that you set up for a party or special occasion. It wont be hard for you to get it all arranged and youll have an exciting time gathering the things that youll offer your guests for their photo experiences. Some things can be made, others can be purchased, but you can offer an array of accessories, disguises, and more. Your guests will laugh at the pictures for years to come.

The photo booth itself isnt difficult. Its not really a booth; you can just decorate a wall. Hang fabric, feather boas, curtains - anything to create the look you want. Hang a curtain rod, and drape materials over it, or just tape something to the wall. Make sure the arrangement is at least four feet wide, to accommodate two people. Set the camera on a tripod and set a time so guests can snap their own photos. Each person or group can set the timer and take pictures when ready.

Set up a table with things that your guests can use for their silly pictures. There are many items you can make for the occasion, like paper things on a stick. When you cut shapes like moustaches or speech bubbles, and put them on sticks, guests can hold one - or more - while having their pictures taken. Just use small-diameter dowels and attach one paper moustache, lips, or similar thing, to each dowel. When you make speech bubbles you can put funny sayings on them. A guest can hold the bubble on a stick next to his own mouth, or someone elses. Guest bubbles are generally white on black, or black on white. Other things you can lay out on the table include silly costumes, yarn hair or wigs, outlandish clip-on earrings, feather boas, gloves, hats, strands of beads, tiaras, boots or clown shoes, wands, masks, and sunglasses or other glasses. You can also offer other props the guests can hold, or put in the picture, depending on the theme they want. Some suggestions include a rake or shovel, a stuffed animal, a broom, a book, a beach ball, a small bench, a doll, or another theme-related object. Whether youre having a party, or a holiday celebration, a photo booth is fun for everyone. When the party is over, toss everything in a box, and you can use them again for the next party. Every now and then, drop a few more things in the box for future parties. Your guests will laugh at the pictures for years to come, as they remember the fun time they had at your photo booth.

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