Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Travelers Pillow

We want to remember the best of our vacations, dont we? Our memories are about sandy beaches and children laughing, warm breezes and seeing many new things. We erase from our memories things like how the sand burned our feet or how that hotel employee was distracted and made us wait to check in. And the pillows! Not the hotel pillows; the ones you brought from home. Surely you havent forgotten how you had to drag all the luggage - and all those pillows - to the car and back in the house when arriving home. One for each person going along for the ride. Not only do those bed pillows take up a lot of room inside the vehicle but its kind of hard to get them positioned so that theyre comfortable. After all, bed pillows are designed to go halfway across the width of a large bed and you dont have that much room per person. So, the pillow ends up covering the window, or sticking in someone elses face. Its the nightmare we all choose to forget while traveling. Turn that nightmare into a dream by making a much smaller pillow. Make travelers pillows and you wont have to drag your bedroom pillows around the country!Choose the material you want to use for the pillow. Most any cotton fabric works well. You can use a sheet or even a pillowcase to make the new pillow. With a pillowcase all you have to do is cut it down to the specific size, sew it and stuff it.Cut one piece of material to be 12 ?"x28 ?". Or, cut two smaller pieces to be 12 ?"x14 ?". If you cut one piece, fold it in half and sew across two sides. If youre using two pieces, sew around three sides. Youll have an easier time sewing the stuffing opening closed if you also sew around the corners of the last side.Stuff the pillow with pillow stuffing or just insert a pillow form. Youll find either at a craft store, fabric retailer or discount department store. After stuffing the pillow just use the machine to sew the opening shut or take a few hand stitches to close it.If youre using a pillowcase to make the new pillow, cut it to be 12 ?"x14?", and follow the instructions above. You can cut a second pillowcase to be a bit larger and use it as a pillowcase for the travelers pillow. Or, make one from purchased fabric.The travelers pillow is much more suited for resting your head while riding down the road. It wont be in anyones way but will come in handy. Just leave the pillows in the car, if you want, and youll always have them waiting for you - no matter where youre going!

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