Thursday, October 4, 2012

Unusual Things You Can Use to Make Small Halloween Spiders

Most of us have one of those drawers or baskets at our houses where everything that no one wants seems to reside. Sometimes referred to as the "junk drawer" you never know what you might find in there! Its often fun to look through the junk drawer just to see what youll find, especially if youre a crafter. If youre thinking of making some of your own Halloween decorations this year the junk drawer might be just the place to start! If you happen to find a thimble in your junk drawer you can easily turn it into a tiny spider that can lurk in any area of the home. Paint the outside of the thimble black then cut four lengths of black yarn for legs. Tape or glue the yarn pieces to the underside of the thimble positioning them so that four pieces stick out from the right side and four from the left side. Glue on tiny wiggly eyes from a craft store or even paint the eyes on the spider. He can sit on one of the serving dishes, on a window sill or at another location in the home.

Use a shank button in a similar manner to create a small spider. The button can be solid black, red, green - even white. Cut four lengths of pipe cleaners and glue them to the bottom of the button. With the shank positioned horizontally, place two pipe cleaners on one side, and two on the other. Turn the button over and bend the pipe cleaners to position the legs how you want. Glue on wiggly eyes or paint on the eyes.

Use a marble to make a totally different spider for Halloween. Cut four pieces of black pipe cleaner then lay them, side-by-side, on a flat surface. Apply glue to the marble then set it on the pipe cleaners, in the middle. After the glue has dried you can then bend the legs how you want. Use wiggly eyes or paint to complete the spider. Most any type of small lid, like from a prescription bottle, can be used to create a spider decoration. Paint the lid or even wrap it in black tape. Cut pipe cleaner pieces, lay them out in a row, then glue the lid to the collective pipe cleaners. Position the legs how you want and make the eyes. Other things you can use to make the bodies of spiders include a shot glass, a plastic cup, a painted ball of foil, a wad of black tape or even stacked circles of cardboard. Things you can use for legs are yarn, thread, wires wrapped in black tape, strips of painted cardboard and assorted cord types. It doesnt take much to make a Halloween spider; all you have to do is go clean out your junk drawer!

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